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After a torrid 2022, 2023 was a better year for global bond investors. But what does 2024 hold in store?
Is there any good news to come from the recent political and economic turmoil? Peter Doherty discusses.
For the first time in at least five years and probably more like a decade, investors in £ bonds are getting paid handsomely to take risk. Is it a risk worth taking?
The juiciest opportunity in inflation-linked bonds is probably behind us, but it is not too late for those who have yet to jump aboard.
Geopolitical turmoil and a global supply chain chaos have caused rising costs, challenging economic recovery hopes. Can inflation-linked bonds emerge as a hedge in this uncertain landscape?
Chris Rodgers is joined by Fund Manager, Thomas Wells, who provides an overview of the Sanlam International Inflation Linked Bond Fund's performance, current market trends, and an outlook for the future.
Chris Rodgers is joined by Fund Manager, Thomas Wells, who provides an overview of the Sanlam International Inflation Linked Bond Fund's performance, current market trends, and an outlook for the future.
It is proposed that the Sanlam Hybrid Capital Bond Fund will move investment management responsibilities.
Bonds have had a rough time in 2022 as rising interest rates and looming talks of a recession on the horizon have hampered performance and vastly reduced debt offerings. Spreads have, however, begun to narrow. Could this be the time for investors to get involved in bonds again?
The European Central Bank (ECB) announced its first interest rate cut in five years. We highlight two critical points regarding this development.
Beset by ultra-low rates, many investors are questioning the value of maintaining allocations to traditional fixed income instruments. Against this backdrop, Peter Doherty offers insight into how active, non-traditional fixed income strategies offer the ability to deliver secure, positive real returns over the medium term, even in the event of modest interest rate increases.
International Inflation-Linked Bond Fund Manager, Thomas Wells, shares his insight on the concerning developments in Ukraine and what this might mean for global markets.

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