Managed by Pieter Fourie and his team since launch in February 2014, the fund focuses on capital growth and aims to deliver excess returns over the MSCI World Index over the long term.

The fund:
  • Is managed by a highly experienced team with an award winning track record

  • Invests in best of class, high quality companies with strong growth prospects

  • Focuses on 25-35 companies and is unconstrained by the benchmark

Awards and ratings






Meet the Global High Quality Team

Pieter Fourie, CFA
Pieter Fourie, CFA
Head of Global Equities
View profile
William Ball
William Ball
Fund Manager
View profile
Andrew Evans, CFA
Andrew Evans, CFA
Fund Manager
View profile
Louis Jamieson, CFA
Louis Jamieson, CFA
Global Equity Analyst
View profile
Shiraaz Abdullah, CFA
Shiraaz Abdullah, CFA
Global Equity Analyst
View profile
Hannah Gooch-Peters
Hannah Gooch-Peters
Global Equity Investment Analyst
View profile

Why invest in the fund?

  • Invest in 25 – 35 high quality positions at one time. High conviction and manageable
  • Attractive long-term strategy of investing in high quality companies, at reasonable valuations
  • Unchanged investment philosophy since 2008
  • Team culture of debate and discussion to exploit diverse experience
  • Current dislocation in the market offers a compelling entry point.

Past performance is not a guarantee of future returns
Where this strategy is acquired through a portfolio management service, additional charges may be applied by the portfolio manager.
The comparison index is the MSCI World Index with net dividends reinvested. Sector is the IA Global
Period: 30.04.2008 to 31.5.2022 represents a composite of the manager’s global equity track record.
Past performance disclaimer. Performance from 30.04.2008 to 31.08.2012 is that of the ACPI segregated global equity mandate after all fees including transactions fees. From 31.08.2012 to 30.09.2012 is that of the MSCI World Index while the manager transitioned to the Sanlam group and from 30.09.2012 to 28.02.2014 is that of the Sanlam Private Wealth Global Equity Diversified Portfolio (net of all costs including transaction fees). 28.02.2014 is that of the Sanlam Global High Quality Fund, C share class, NAV based, total return (net of fees)
ACPI Investment Managers is an independently owned investment management partnership
Past performance should not be taken as an indicator of future performance.
Since investors may be liable to external fees, charges and taxes, the illustrated returns are not meant to provide a measure of actual return to investors. Class C shares are only available to those investors who have a separate investment management mandate with the Investment Manager.
Sources: Sanlam UK, MSCI, Morningstar GBP net returns

The philosophy and process has remained unchanged since the day it first launched in 2008: A high conviction stock selection approach investing in high quality, global businesses at reasonable valuations, with a view to outperforming the global equity market over the long term.

The fund invests with no reference to the index, focusing on businesses with durable business models and a sustainable competitive advantage. Typically these companies will yield high returns on capital, have low leverage and produce significant free cash flow after capital expenditure.

Far horizons 

When we invest in a good business, we do so with a time horizon that stretches far out into the future. Investors that joined us at launch will notice core holdings such as Microsoft, Johnson and Johnson and Yum! Brands are examples of a few positions in the strategy that we bought at inception and continue to hold to this day.

Our years of experience in active management is what adds value and our risk controlled framework is what protects us.

Our years of experience in active management is what adds value and our risk controlled framework is what protects us.

Pieter Fourie, Fund Manager
Explore the details
A focused portfolio of the highest quality and attractively priced global companies.

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Any opinions expressed are the opinions of the authors only. Not a recommendation or advice. Full risks and performance can be found in factsheet:
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Fund Risks

Past performance is not a guide to future performance. Do remember that the value of an investment and the income generated from them can fall as well as rise and is not guaranteed, therefore, you may not get back the amount originally invested and potentially risk total loss of capital. A table with five years’ performance is available in the fund factsheets.

The Fund may invest in companies based in emerging markets which may involve additional risks not typically associated with other more established markets such as increased risk of social, economic and political uncertainty. The Fund has holdings which are denominated in currencies other than sterling and may be affected by movements in exchange rates. Consequently the value of an investment may rise or fall in line with the exchange rates.

Deemed authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. The nature and extent of consumer protections may differ from those for firms based in the UK. Details of the Temporary Permissions Regime, which allows EEA-based firms to operate in the UK for a limited period while seeking full authorisation, are available on the Financial Conduct Authority’s website. (Notes 1, 3 and 4).

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Marketing material. Issued by Salam Investments UK Limited. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered office: 27 Clements Lane, London, EC4N 7AE. The value of investments can go down as well as up and investors may not get back the full amount invested.

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