Future of Money event

“The fact cash exists, doesn’t make it useful” was the parting thought of Stephen King, renowned economist and author who spoke at the first of our Invested for the Future virtual events on Thursday 25 February.
The Future of Money was a thought-provoking discussion chaired by Samantha Simmonds, host of Sunday Politics. From the future of interest rates and inflation to the forthcoming Budget, Stephen King also gave us his considered economic view on hot topics such as the long-term impact of mounting government borrowing, the future of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, plus the likelihood and repercussions of becoming a completely cashless society.
If you missed the event, you can watch it below. Alternatively, you can listen to the interview on Spotify.


Sanlam’s Invested in the Future Series is a forward looking and thought provoking series of virtual events. Filmed live and in broadcast quality, upcoming evenings include the Future of Security, Future of Cities, Future of Healthcare and Future of Happiness. These events are open to all of Sanlam’s clients and contacts – you can register for future events.

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